Thursday, June 17, 2010

Put a Little Extra 'umph' in there, will ya?

You know what I hate? People taking credit for my work. Many people purposely don't do their homework, and they bring it to school because they know that some people will let them copy it. Fine then. What will those people be doing in college then? How will they actually accomplish anything. But you know what I really hate, when they do accomplish something and they didn't even do any work. I dislike how some kids think that they're so smart because they did well on a test and they supposedly ''didn't study''? I mean, come on, yes, I'm sure you did study. Don't act like you don't care. Some people just keep on giving excuses for their failures. "If I studied, I would have gotten a better score." "I was over-analyzing the questions." Come on, just stop with the excuses. People can see through it, you know? Okay, so this was a relatively short blog- but still, it's something I feel strongly about.

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