Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Little More

Okay, so you know how some people ask you to borrow stuff, and they're just staring straight at you waiting impatiently. Then, you rummage through your pencil case searching for that one pen that you don't really like because you know that the chances of them actually giving it back is slim to none. Well, guess what, it happens to me all the time. Yeah, this is why I sometimes have to result to fibbing. I'm tired of lugging around my body, trying to reach the person who somehow is walking out the door, with my pen, and asking him/her for it back. So, for the meantime I just reply with a simple, I don't have any. But, as you've probably experienced, some people ask for looseleaf and if you have your binder open with that giant pack of unused looseleaf you have in there, chances are you can't say you don't have any. Okay, fine I can give someone a looseleaf every once in a while, but come on, some people ask me every single day for that same class? Come on, what do you use for your other classes? I'm sure you have looseleaf. But, what really rattles me up is when somebody just asks me for a looseleaf and keeps it on the side. They don't even use it. And I absoultely disklike it when someone asks me for something just because they're too lazy to get it themselves. I mean, come on, what kind of bum can't reach into their schoolbag to get their own pen? Apparently, it's a lot of people that I know. Another thing that I really don't like is how some people put their feet on your chair. Are they serious? They're stupid feet is on my chair, weighing it down, and their feet move! The person's feet actually move around! No, I don't care one little bit about how comfortable you are, nobody is allowed to put their lazy feet on my chair!

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