Thursday, June 17, 2010

Put a Little Extra 'umph' in there, will ya?

You know what I hate? People taking credit for my work. Many people purposely don't do their homework, and they bring it to school because they know that some people will let them copy it. Fine then. What will those people be doing in college then? How will they actually accomplish anything. But you know what I really hate, when they do accomplish something and they didn't even do any work. I dislike how some kids think that they're so smart because they did well on a test and they supposedly ''didn't study''? I mean, come on, yes, I'm sure you did study. Don't act like you don't care. Some people just keep on giving excuses for their failures. "If I studied, I would have gotten a better score." "I was over-analyzing the questions." Come on, just stop with the excuses. People can see through it, you know? Okay, so this was a relatively short blog- but still, it's something I feel strongly about.

A Little More

Okay, so you know how some people ask you to borrow stuff, and they're just staring straight at you waiting impatiently. Then, you rummage through your pencil case searching for that one pen that you don't really like because you know that the chances of them actually giving it back is slim to none. Well, guess what, it happens to me all the time. Yeah, this is why I sometimes have to result to fibbing. I'm tired of lugging around my body, trying to reach the person who somehow is walking out the door, with my pen, and asking him/her for it back. So, for the meantime I just reply with a simple, I don't have any. But, as you've probably experienced, some people ask for looseleaf and if you have your binder open with that giant pack of unused looseleaf you have in there, chances are you can't say you don't have any. Okay, fine I can give someone a looseleaf every once in a while, but come on, some people ask me every single day for that same class? Come on, what do you use for your other classes? I'm sure you have looseleaf. But, what really rattles me up is when somebody just asks me for a looseleaf and keeps it on the side. They don't even use it. And I absoultely disklike it when someone asks me for something just because they're too lazy to get it themselves. I mean, come on, what kind of bum can't reach into their schoolbag to get their own pen? Apparently, it's a lot of people that I know. Another thing that I really don't like is how some people put their feet on your chair. Are they serious? They're stupid feet is on my chair, weighing it down, and their feet move! The person's feet actually move around! No, I don't care one little bit about how comfortable you are, nobody is allowed to put their lazy feet on my chair!

Starting with Ranting

I'd like to start this blog off with a little bit of ranting. Something I hate is how some people just say "It's a free country," and think that they could do whatever the heck they want. Have they ever heard of a little something called laws? Yeah it's a free country, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of protest, not freedom to take a person's damn life. I've heard this stupid comeback one too many times. I mean, come on, really? If you can't think of a good comeback, don't say something like that. Also, what ticks me off is how some people could keep on asking you for help over and over again, "Can I copy your homework?" "Can I have a piece of looseleaf?" "Can you tell me some of the test answers?" But when you need help they don't give a damn. Anyone who knows me knows that I rarely ask for anything. If I need something, I'll get it done myself. And the thing that really rallies me up is how some people ask you to do something for them, when they are perfectly capable of doing it themselves. So while you're copying their notes for them, they're rousing it up at the back of the classroom talking with their friends. Now, would someone please explain to me how in this world some people could be so selfishly greedy to make fun of someone? Yes, I know what you're thinking. That's such a common, general topic, why in the world are you mentioning this? But I think that it's just cruel how people could do that, especially children. Honestly, I think some people put up such a fake front. They make fun of others as an attempt to build up their supposedly strong self esteem, when in reality all there is of their self esteem is a thin, fragile covering that could suddenly shatter at a witty comeback.